Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What Clayton would like to do for his CTS options.


The three things I would like to do for Physical Education are Scootering/ Skateboarding, Geocaching, and Biking.

For the scootering and skateboarding club, if we did it, I would hope to either be able to do it in a :

1. Skate-park

2. Tennis court by school

3. A parking lot

My hope is we would be practicing doing tricks, games of S.C.O.O.T, or other competitions.

For Geocaching, I would literally want to go Geocaching, so there's not much to be said about that.

For a biking club I would want to do just plain biking.Not much detail for that one.

The things I would like to do for Art/L.A are Interior Design, Photography, and Music. I don't have much to say about this one but I'd be happy with just about anything.

The things I would like to do for S.M.T are Woodshop, Programming, and Rube Goldberg

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